Lyrics filled with hate, leads blistering fast and furiously by King and Hanneman (RIP), the entire band really did a great justice here with this one. I was so used to hearing the amazing 80's era of Slayer, they slowed down a bit on this one and focused more on catchy riffs as they are definitely notorious for. Less of an emphasis on the "antichrist", more on just negativity and "real life" scenarios. I would say what grabbed me the most here is the music and vocals plus Paul did good behind the set. There are a lot of tempo changes on this one as well as some clean tone guitar work.
Slayer borrows from no other as they've always thrived on aggression and hate filled words as well as extreme thrash metal! Araya was totally crushing here even though you'll hear a few clean vocals here, not much but they're still on here. The whole band did a lot of work to make this album a definite success. I would say that they didn't really compromise as they never really have. 36+ minutes of sheer devastating thrash. The guitars are the key here. The music was so catchy and tempo changes weren't drastic, though they thrived on definite destruction to your speakers!
Rate: 8.5/10
Reviewed By Death8699 ([email protected]).