I don't have anything good to say about this band. Maybe that's why they've gotten such horrible ratings. I don't deem it to be higher than a 2/10. The solos are somewhat decent, but that doesn't make the album worthy of praise. The vocalist at times sounds like Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, but worse. There are a variety of vocals here and none are appealing at all. If you're going to make a thrash/crossover metal album, then make it to be original and innovative. This lacks both.
Pure noise is what I hear here. You can hear the guitar riffs which are featured with having a lot of bar chords, slower tempo riff changes, tremolo picking, and the leads scales galore. That about sums it up. Nothing worth checking out because it's just really bad thrash metal/crossover. There are no songs on here that I do like. These musicians need much more experience and improvement. They really hit rock bottom here.
The production is raw, that would describe why they're on an Independent label. They can't make enough money to fund a better more clearly defined and heard sound. This album is really annoying to say the least. I'm glad that it was only 26+ minutes long. It doesn't deserve any more listening time. Talk about a pure waste of a CD, Meatshank should just call it quits. They're still active though and I hope that in the future with all of the negative press about "Scavengers", they'll try to make an album more listenable.
To sum it up, save your money and don't purchase this CD. If you do, it'll go against everything that I've written in this review. Just noise, pure noise. Nothing strikingly more than that. Musicians like this should either grow as a band or quit because of a lack of talent. I think that they should just quit. I haven't heard their previous release "Fucking Metal". I don't necessarily want to hear it after listening to this one. Pure thrash/crossover metal that's putrified!