Way underground still, just pounding out heavy down picked riff structures that are featured on every track of this 35+ minute album. You can really get into it and the music is not boring at all. It's heavy as all hell, but still the groove makes it more "alive" so to speak. Whereas with previous albums, I never really got much into. But this album is going to be one that I will hold onto. It's really slow paced as they've always been, with tempo changes and Barnes dominating in the vocal department. I tell you, this lineup is simply just awesome. The lead guitar is great and I really was interested in the music here.
Definitely a solid ass production with everything way mixed well and nothing is without a damn good praise. You can really slam dance or headbang to this one. The only objection is the length of the release. But be aware and hold on tight because Six Feet Under will crush your speakers and destroy your eardrums. The music is not overly complicated, it fits in well with Chris' voice and didn't make me sleep on this one. It is really a damn gem of a release. Something that they haven't really capitalized in years. They own death/groove metal and this album exonerates the emphasis on domination.
Again the length is the only reason why I didn't give this higher than a "B" rating. But still, for me to even rate them higher than that would be too generous, despite their effort to blow you away with just thick guitar that simply destroys! I love this album, another one that you can put on and really get into. There's nothing really "off" about it. Of course Chris' vocals you can't understand or decipher what he's saying unless you read the lyric sheet. But that's just the way metal is, with a few exceptions. A lot of the material in general is so damn angry that you cannot understand what's being said unless you do read what they're saying.
In the vein of other bands (newer) that I've heard that have a lot of groove related riffs, but this one is more solid and the music more memorable. To me it'll remain to be the only album that I hold onto for this band. Unborn simply dominates in every aspect. Don't expect super fast riffing because it's just not there, despite maybe some segments that incorporate blast beating. Just not too much on here, the main focus I think was to mesh the vocals with the music. I was disappointed that reviewers didn't give this album a higher rating. I will remain to leave it as a "B" because that's what it really earned. Own it now!