Some songs are 6 seconds and I'd say a majority out of the whole CD there are no songs lasting more than 2 minutes. In fact, most songs are about 1 minute and a half tops. Just grind city and a raw production quality. This is Napalm Death at their most brutal and intense. There simply is no letting up with the deep throat vocals fluctuated with Mick Harris' screaming! His drums almost never let up in intensity and the compilation has a little reverb added to that drum set.
There aren't many songs on here that you can really make out what's being played because what you mostly hear are not only the guitar, but bass riffs that have a distorted sound to them. The band plays some covers on here. You CANNOT say that this is really music, it's really just a conglomeration of distorted guitar work and because the snare is blasting away constantly, it's hard to hear the music itself. There are only a few seconds of lead guitar work, pretty much all of this is pure grind.
This is one of the most intense 20+ minutes of sheer abomination! I have never heard a most extreme noise terror outlet by this band, it's simply amazing in intensity and total musical destruction. Yes the guitars are loud enough on here, but when you hear the drum blasting, I can't really make out and actual music. When the tempos are slower, then you can definitely make out what's being played. I think that Napalm Death did something here that is quite amazing if you want an adrenaline rush.
There are 25 songs on here most of which you can find the lyrics of, but from a musical standpoint, this is what grindcore should sound like and definitely should be at its most intense. These guys put in so much energy in each track, even if one was 6 seconds long like the song "Dead." There's only maybe 1-2 tracks that are slower. The bulk of the release is just a good caffeine boost to have in the morning to get you going. This compilation is one of N/D's most notorious ones in just 20 minutes. It's hard to believe they were able to make this really work. If you want extreme noise terror, The Peel Sessions is for you!
Rate: 100%.
Reviewed By Death8699 ([email protected]).