The guitars were the highlight, I wouldn't say Schmier is at his best--he seemed less intense and not so invigorated. That's why I gave this EP a B- rating. The production again wasn't the greatest, the overall aura of the EP was grim, but not like on 'Infernal Overkill.' Just a little bit under 20 minutes of music that's well played out. Harry just shreds amazingly. I've heard that when he was active with the band he practiced the guitar 15 hours a day! I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. He simply plays some amazing leads and Mike puts forth a good effort as well, just not as sharp as Harry in the lead department. He does a good job on here however.
All of the songs on this EP were well played out. Just the production could've been a little tighter, but I am guessing it's because they were on a low budget. It's not surprising especially since they've never changed their style of music. Can't go wrong really with any old Destruction. They used to play some really original stuff, nowadays they seem to be playing the same thing over and over. It's good that they reformed, but they just need something new. The sound is thrash, just on their older stuff they really put forth a great effort on constructing songs that are fresh material and original. They've always been original, just now with their newer albums they've gone stale.
It would be good to hear them as a 4-piece again, but I doubt that'll ever happen again. All they do now is play as a 3-piece and have guest lead guitarists because Mike can't really hack it on lead anymore. Not that he was ever that great in that respect, but at least on here and other older albums he seemed more intense and could shred a lot faster. Now it's just repeating the same stuff. Here you hear arpeggios, tapping, speed picking and sweeps by Harry mostly and Olly behind the set shows more talent than Tommy ever did. He's got more energy behind the set and seems to grasp the band's intensity. The only instrumental is the last track.
I wish that Destruction could come together again and write some good new thrash that's worth listening to. 'Spiritual Genocide' was absolutely boring as was 'Day of Reckoning.' I only found 'All Hell Breaks Loose' to be a good comeback album and original songwriting that's not boring. It has that energy back that they once had like on this EP and other 80's releases. They really need to do something terrific with their newer material. Make it great like on their old stuff and not keep putting out stuff that's monotonous. It really would be a boon to the band if they were able to be back making some good new thrash metal like they used to. 'Mad Butcher' is a good pick up!
Rate: 80%.
Reviewed By Death8699 ([email protected]).