The music is entirely original on every song. When I say original, I mean that the riffs display sounds that no other band has produced ever before. Chuck was a self taught musician and his writing style progressed over the years and on Human he constructed mind blowing overtures with songs like “Lack of Comprehension” or which later became a video. Yes the music and the vocals were brutal even though the song itself started off with a clean piece, it progressed into a totally hateful death metal output emphasizing music and lyrics Chuck had amassed during the early days when he seemed to be plagued by people that befriended him.
I love the riffs on every some because they’re so diverse and the music always goes along with the vocals. There displays outputs of guitar frenzies featuring tremolo picked guitar efforts alongside chord progressions that are simply mind boggling. The remastered version features a cover of Kiss’s “God of Thunder”, which they do an awesome display of Chuck’s earlier influences and makes into a solid death metal output. I absolutely love the remastered version of this album not only because is the bass better to hear, but the music in general is hear altogether in unison.
Songs like “Secret Face” are lyrically mind blowing with music put together like no other music is done. You can compare that to all of the songs on this album. I think that “Vacant Planets” is my short, but favorite track especially because of the guitars featuring tapping techniques that only the mastermind of metal Chuck could construct. The whole song is aggressive and totally melodic. I’d conclude that the whole album is progressive and melodic. You can’t find a better death metal album that tops Human. It simply goes down to me one of the best death metal releases of our time.
If you’re a Death fan and are lacking this album, you’re missing out on a plethora of tracks that will blow your mind. The music is the highlight of the release and no other death metal album that I’ve heard can compete with this one. The music, solos, vocals, drums and lyrics all fit together to make one hell of a monumental metal release that can never be duplicated. Chuck was an amazing musician who died too young. His music will live on as a legacy in the death metal world. We all hope that he is at peace now and onto the next life. Own this remastered version today and you’ll hear what I’m trying to convey in this review!