The music is loud, but not as much say 'Plastic Surgery Disasters' or 'Bedtime For Democracy'. It's still really good though. Just not my favorite. Maybe it's because I've heard it too many times.
But yeah, it's still a classic in their discography. It's more collected. An awesome punk rock album that every fan should own. I know that punk is dead nowadays, but I'll say it again that it's influential.
Jello's vocals are still funny, just not as crazy really. He's not all over the place. He doesn't have as much energy on this one, but it's still good. I prefer their older material. But some prefer this. It's subjective.
Get this CD and support music!! You can check it out on YouTube first if you want. But owning the CD supports the music community. Don't let it die out, purchase it on Amazon or your record store!!
Rate: 85%.
Reviewed By Death8699 ([email protected]).